exchange rate stabilization

exchange rate stabilization
эк. стабилизация обменного [валютного\] курса (деятельность государственных органов, направленная на недопущение нежелательного отклонения курса национальной валюты от определенного уровня или тренда; осуществляется путем приобретения или продажи запасов иностранной валюты)

Англо-русский экономический словарь.

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Смотреть что такое "exchange rate stabilization" в других словарях:

  • Fixed exchange-rate system — Foreign exchange Exchange rates Currency band Exchange rate Exchange rate regime Exchange rate flexibil …   Wikipedia

  • stabilization — The action undertakes a country when it buys and sells its own currency to protect its exchange value. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary Actions registered competitive traders undertake by on the NYSE to meet the exchange requirement that 75% of… …   Financial and business terms

  • Foreign-exchange reserves — Foreign exchange Exchange rates Currency band Exchange rate Exchange rate regime Exchange rate flexibility Dollarization Fixed exchange rate Floating exchange rate Linked exchange rate Managed float regime Markets Foreign exchange market Futures… …   Wikipedia

  • Foreign exchange reserves — (also called Forex reserves) in a strict sense are only the foreign currency deposits held by central banks and monetary authorities. However, the term in popular usage commonly includes foreign exchange and gold, SDRs and IMF reserve positions.… …   Wikipedia

  • economic stabilization — attempt to bring stability to an economy, prevent drastic fluctuations in prices and in the exchange rate …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 — This article is about one division of an enacted statute. For the entire statute, see Public Law 110 343. For the enacted rescue program, see Troubled Asset Relief Program. The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 (Division A of Pub.L.… …   Wikipedia

  • Momentum exchange tether — Momentum Exchange Tethers is one of many applications for space tethers. This sub set represents an entire area of research using a spinning conductive and/or non conductive tether to throw spacecraft up or down in orbit (like a sling), thereby… …   Wikipedia

  • Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 — Plan Paulson Immeuble abritant le Département du Trésor des États Unis Le Plan Paulson, ou TARP[note 1], est l une des mesures mises en place par les États Unis à partir de septembre 2008 pour faire face à la crise financi …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Suriname — /soor euh nahm , nam /; Du. /syuu rddee nah meuh/, n. a republic on the NE coast of South America: formerly a territory of the Netherlands; gained independence 1975. 443,446; 60,230 sq. mi. (155,995 sq. km). Cap.: Paramaribo. Also, Surinam /soor… …   Universalium

  • European Monetary System — EMS A system of exchange rate stabilization involving the countries of the European Union, which began operations in 1979. There were two elements: the Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM), under which participating countries committed themselves to… …   Accounting dictionary

  • European Monetary System — EMS A system of exchange rate stabilization involving the countries of the European Union, which began operations in 1979. There were two elements: the Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM), under which participating countries committed themselves to… …   Big dictionary of business and management

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